Conifer Documentation


This version of Conifer is Alpha status. View the docs for Conifer 1.0.

What is Conifer?

Conifer is a library plugin for creating WordPress plugins and themes using an opinionated object-oriented architecture, built on top of the amazing Timber plugin.

Read more about Conifer and its goals.

Why would I use Conifer?

  • You want to build custom behavior for a WordPress theme or plugin in DRY, object-oriented code.
  • You like the power of WordPress, but prefer to interact with a higher-level API.
  • You are already a power user of Timber, and want to push your codebase even further.

Conifer shares several of Timber's stated goals:

  • Intuitive: The API is written to be user-centric around a programmer's expectations.
  • Consistent: WordPress objects can be accessed through common polymorphic properties like slug, ID and name.
  • Accessible: No black boxes. Every effort is made so the developer has access to 100% of their HTML.

We make every effort to stay out of your way in this regard, to add to and not take away from Timber's powerful features.

Powerful Features

Scan the menu or check out the Conifer Basics guide for an overview of the powerful features Conifer offers for developing well-architected, object-oriented WordPress code. Here are some of them.

More Helpers

Simplify your theme with a wealth of utility functions and helpers.

/* wp-content/my-theme/single.php */
$data = $site->get_context_with_post(new Conifer\Post\BlogPost());
Timber::render('single.twig', $data);
{# wp-content/my-theme/views/single.twig #}
<!doctype html>

    <p>{{ post.categories | oxford_comma }}</p>
    {# -> Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 #}

      <h3>Related Posts</h3>
      {% for related in post.get_related_by_category(3) %}
          <a href="{{ }}">{{ related.title }}</a>
      {% endfor %}

Easy custom Twig functions/filters

use MyProject\MyCustomTwigHelper;

$site->add_twig_helper(new MyCustomTwigHelper());



/* put this in lib or somethin' */
use Conifer\AjaxHandler\AbstractBase;

class MySimpleAjaxHandler extends AbstractBase {
  protected function execute() {
    $response = ['foo' => 'bar'];
    // do some stuff with $response
    return $response;

/* put this in functions.php */
add_action('wp_ajax_some_action', [MySimpleAjaxHandler::class, 'handle']);

/* the `some_action` AJAX action will return the following JSON:
    "foo": "bar"


Represent your custom forms as first-class OO citizens, using Conifer's Form API:

use Conifer\Form\AbstractBase;

class EmployeeForm extends AbstractBase {
  public function __construct() {
    $this->fields = [
      'user_email' => [
        'label' => 'Email',
        // Just use the built-in required validator for this field:
        'validators' => [[$this, 'validate_required_field']],
      'name' => [
        'label' => 'First Name',
        'validators' => [
          // mix and match built-in with custom validators!
          [$this, 'validate_required_field'],
          [$this, 'validate_name']

  public function validate_name(array $nameField, string $name) {
    $valid = $name === 'Bob';
    if (!$valid) {
      $this->add_error($nameField, 'only people name Bob are worthy');
    return $valid;

Custom admin columns and filters

Easily add custom admin columns and filters to your admin screens, without having to remember all the arguments to the manage_*_columns hooks.

namespace MyProject;  

use Conifer\Post\Post;

class Company extends Post {
  public static function register {

      'location', // column key
      'Location', // column label
      // content to display in the column:
      function($companyId) {
        $company = new static($companyId);
        return $company->get_location()->title();

   * Get the associated MyProject\Location instance for this Company
  public function get_location() {
    return new Location($this->location_id);

And lots more!

Quick Install

Install using composer:

composer require --save sitecrafting/conifer

See Installation for more details.

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